by Tiffany Nesbitt | Mar 23, 2016 | Beauty, Busyness, Culture, Missions
Turning the Corner Living here is like waking up. We’ve been in Central America for six weeks now, my family and I, and personally, the transition has been tough. Not because we weren’t called. And not because we weren’t absolutely certain that Costa Rica was the...
by Tiffany Nesbitt | Aug 13, 2015 | Busyness, Grace, Peace, Rest, Streamroots Posts
Fresh Air My headspace too often resembles a Los Angeles traffic jam. All snarls and congestion filled with frenetic maneuvering and slammed stops. I wish it wasn’t so. There are counter measures, I know, and I daily work to employ them. But what often begins as a...
by Tiffany Nesbitt | Jun 25, 2015 | Busyness, Compassion, Love, Need, Streamroots Posts
Looking Up The bell sounded as I pushed open the door. A rush of refrigerated air perfumed by the chemical odor of new merchandise ushered me into the narrow shop. Appropriately alert, the sales clerk lifted her head and gave me her best “I’m so glad you’re here!”...
by Tiffany Nesbitt | Mar 4, 2015 | Busyness, Compassion, Religion, Service, Streamroots Posts
The Least of These Sometimes the towering Sequoias are just so huge, I can’t spot the forest to save a life. I am whipping around the corner of Costco’s parking lot, relieved to have maneuvered my way through the infamous gas lines with relative ease. Granted, it’s...