by Tiffany Nesbitt | Jun 25, 2015 | Busyness, Compassion, Love, Need, Streamroots Posts
Looking Up The bell sounded as I pushed open the door. A rush of refrigerated air perfumed by the chemical odor of new merchandise ushered me into the narrow shop. Appropriately alert, the sales clerk lifted her head and gave me her best “I’m so glad you’re here!”... by Tiffany Nesbitt | May 20, 2015 | Compassion, Faith, Healing, Love, Ministry, Missions, Servanthood, Streamroots Posts
The Homecoming His name was Jose. We had been trekking through the border town of Paso Canoas, a bustling hive of activity straddling the border of Costa Rica and Panama. Merchants avidly hawked their wares as travelers plunked down colones for electronics, dry goods,...