by Tiffany Nesbitt | Mar 18, 2015 | Faith, Inheritance, Intercession, Religion, Revival, Streamroots Posts
The Asking Last week God set me up for a holy ambush. He baited the trap rightly, knowing full well that I’m a sucker for music. Almost any type will do, but music that exalts the King draws me like a proverbial bee to honey. In the midst of that week’s errands and...
by Tiffany Nesbitt | Mar 4, 2015 | Busyness, Compassion, Religion, Service, Streamroots Posts
The Least of These Sometimes the towering Sequoias are just so huge, I can’t spot the forest to save a life. I am whipping around the corner of Costco’s parking lot, relieved to have maneuvered my way through the infamous gas lines with relative ease. Granted, it’s...