Original Design

Original Design

Original Design Who would I be if I were fully me? If I were completely alive to every nuance of the physical and spiritual DNA the Father conceived just to craft me? What if the layers of self, of sin, of this weary world were peeled back, exposing the raw...
Further On

Further On

Further On God’s recently been highlighting a salt-and-vinegar word, and it’s been about as appealing as gargling away a raw throat. I’ve been scrunching my shoulders and plugging my nose, resignation in tow. Nevertheless, I’m hungry to grab hold of the healing....
Heavenly Brew

Heavenly Brew

Heavenly Brew I’m experiencing a holy percolating. The bubbling began this morning as I met with Jesus for some one-on-one. I took a dive into Philippians 3 and things started stirring. From that moment, I’ve been able to smell the heavenly aroma brewing in my heart....
Digging Deep

Digging Deep

Digging Deep So often, life feels a bit like coal mining. Hard hats askew and faces smudged beyond recognition, we delve deep, desperate for the treasured deposits that warm our souls. But instead of hunting for fossilized pockets of carbon, we’re digging for molten...