Tiffany’s Posts
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Into the Wilderness
Our family is big on milestone moments. When Chris and I were young marrieds, celebrations weren’t my thing. Those early years felt like an endless juggling of toddlers and...
This is a Season of Miracles!
We are in a pivotal moment in history. At the beginning of 2023, the Holy Spirit spoke loudly to me about the vital importance of the Church understanding the crucial time...
Turning the Clock Back
Since the start of 2023, the Lord has repeatedly spoken a word of preparation to my heart. In January the Holy Spirit gave me a picture of an angel inserting a long rod of wood...
Work, For I Am With You!
I heard the Lord say, “Work, for I am with you! Build with Me. My hands on yours, guiding you, directing you. Do not stop. Do not hesitate. Have you not found favor in My sight?...
An Explosion of Light is Coming to San Francisco
During a time of prayer, the Lord gave me a powerful picture. I saw the light of dawn breaking over the hills of San Francisco. As I watched, the glow of daybreak gathered into a...
Introducing Bless
Introducing Bless I’ll never forget the first time I witnessed a birth. Years ago, a friend of mine decided to ditch convention and hire a midwife to oversee the home...
Coming into More
Coming Into MoreI’m coming into the journey. In years past I was a staunch believer in destinations: finishing what I started. Achieving my goals. I was adamant in the conviction...
Breaking the Shell
Breaking the ShellMomma, I think she’s dying. My younger daughter had spent the weekend with someone most dear to our family, and I could hear the catch in her voice, carrying...
Handful of Pennies
Handful of PenniesThis one is for all those mommas. Those dauntless women who might have a precious little clinger under two and maybe a passel full of other priceless clutchers...
Coming Undone
Coming UndoneThere isn’t a thing the matter with me. At least that’s what I’m being told. My head too often seems to gyrate with the notion that I have to be a different me to be...
In Heavenly Peace
In Heavenly PeaceIt was the first Christmas shopping of the season. Eager to embark upon my annual treasure hunt, I grabbed a favorite stack of Christmas CD’s, hopped into our...
Shadow and Substance
Shadow and SubstanceMorning dawns clear and the shadows are everywhere. I’ve been chasing them this week, these shadows. Because even though Advent is the season of light, The...
Love Blooms Bright
Love Blooms Bright “But the gift is not like the trespass…” (Romans 5:15) Almost without warning, Advent is upon us. It’s a cherished personal tradition, one that pulls my...
And the Oscar Goes To…
And the Oscar Goes To…I am a musical lover. You know the kind. Hokey scenes of rolling prairies or exotic locales filled with brightly costumed, grinning actors. And every five...
Leeks, Onions and Peanut Butter
Leeks, Onions and Peanut ButterSeasons are curious things. Just when we begin to feel that we've mastered the challenges of a certain era in our lives, God ushers in a new phase....
Fresh Air
Fresh AirMy headspace too often resembles a Los Angeles traffic jam. All snarls and congestion filled with frenetic maneuvering and slammed stops. I wish it wasn’t so. There are...
Knees to the Earth
Knees to the EarthSometimes there are no words for the things that need to be expressed. She’s been in pain these eight years, a coiling, rattling pain that bites. When you’re...
Baby Steps
Baby StepsShe has no idea she’s beautiful. We've known each other for twenty years. Walks, meals, beach days. Heartaches, secrets, celebrations. Prayer. In the many seasons it’s...
A Toast to Hope
A Toast to HopeI don’t really care for wine. It’s one of those adult-ish things which I’ve never learned to like. I was raised in a family where it wasn't served, both my parents...
Common Threads
Common ThreadsGod delights in working through tribes, bands of folks who share a spiritual and oftentimes physical DNA. He demonstrated this idea thousands of years ago, taking...
CelebratingWe hop on the trolley, faces bright with sunshine and sea vistas. She’s twenty-two today, my second born. Does that make me old or only her a bit older? It doesn’t...
Freedom’s Song
Freedom’s SongMy country ‘tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing… The words fill the tight space of the Suburban closely packed with overstuffed luggage, dogeared...
Looking Up
Looking UpThe bell sounded as I pushed open the door. A rush of refrigerated air perfumed by the chemical odor of new merchandise ushered me into the narrow shop. Appropriately...
Finding Healing
Finding HealingThree years back, I leaned against a small table as evening shadows silently spread. Eyes downcast, the woman facing me worked to find the bare-hearted words to...
Keeping Time
Keeping TimeTwo diminutive feet encased in black patent leathers swung in cadence to the music. Back and forth, back and forth, they kept time with the rhythm of carefully struck...
Going Deeper
Going DeeperCome on, my soul. Reading St. Augustine's Confessions can be a bit daunting. It can also be a bit revolutionizing. It hasn't been until the last few years that I've...
Around the Bend
Around the BendThe rented van bumped along the rural thoroughfare, twisting sharply to avoid potholes and oversized rocks blocking the path. Our journey led down one of Costa...

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